Künstlersozialkasse - KSK
The Künstlersozialkasse is abbreviated to KSK. The KSK is a part of the Federal and Railway Accident Insurance and is responsible for implementing the Artists' Social Insurance Act.Its aim is to offer freelance artists and publicists similar protection in the statutory social insurance system as employees. However, the KSK is not a service provider itself, but coordinates the contribution payments of its members for a health insurance of their choice as well as for the statutory pension and long-term care insurance. Freelance artists and publicists are entitled to the full range of benefits provided by statutory social insurance.
However, only half of the contributions due have to be paid by the members themselves, as the remaining amount is made up of 20% subsidy from the federal government and 30% social security contributions from companies in the artistic field.
The amount of the monthly contribution that an artist or publicist pays to the Künstlersozialkasse depends on the income from work. However, if the income is below the low income limit of 3,900.00 euros per year, the KSK can usually not be used, unless one is a beginner in the profession. For the year 2023, the contribution rate for companies, such as our Influencer Marketing Agency, that make use of artistic and journalistic services is 5.0%; these must be paid to the KSK.
The commissioning entrepreneurs are obliged to pay the artists' social security contribution.