Bodyshaming means that a person feels ashamed because of their body. Often this problem is part of cyber-bullying and occurs several times on social networks like Instagram. Many influencers show themselves on their profiles with a perfect body and especially young people often want to look like their idol. The result is often that they start to judge their own body negatively or compare it to others. Other negative consequences are discrimination, bullying or humiliation of other people. People who are overweight, for example, are often bullied on the internet and regularly insulted because they are not perfect. The victims of bullying suffer from this and not infrequently begin to hate themselves as a result of such statements. This makes it all the more important that the counter-movement of Body Positivity exists.
Body positivity is supposed to show people how important it is to accept one's own body and that one should not be influenced by negative comments. Meanwhile, many influencers have also recognised the problem and are posting more and more articles on body positivity.